Randy and Sue Razzoog inducted into COCA Hall Of Fame

The Razzoogs started collecting 40 years ago when they went to a garage sale and found a man who was selling his vending route machines. They are not sure what possessed them, but they bought them all, not really knowing much about them. And that’s how it started! Skip ahead 40 years and they have since branched out in many different areas - gum, advertising, country store, barber shop, fans, cigar memorabilia and much more.
Their first Chicagoland show was at the Rosemont Convention Hall. They have since been setting up a booth for 38 years. They have also done the Indy shows, as well. They are always ready and willing to help other collectors with their questions and problems with coin-ops.
They have been the editors of the C.O.C.A. Times Magazine for 23 years. They do the complete layout for 3 issues every year. Our magazine is the lifeblood of our club and our hobby. Be sure to thank them for their tedious work for COCA.