Presidents Message


Hello Everyone,

Spring is finally in the air and the Chicagoland Show has come and gone. Hopefully everyone found what they were looking for or not looking for or even something they couldn't live without.

 We celebrated our 27th Anniversary of C.O.C.A at the Sanfilippo Estate {Jaspers}.  We had 130 members and guest join us for this occasion. We all had a fun time eating cake, riding the Carousel and touring through the house, 4 hrs. of endless enjoyment. We would like to say “THANK YOU” to the Foundation for welcoming us for this event. Hopefully we will be able to do this again sometime in the future.

We will be having a C.O.C.A. Convention this Fall in Houston Texas October 10-13. There are fabulous collections to visit. There were sign-up sheets handed out at Jaspers and they are also on the C.O.C.A website and in this issue of the C.O.C.A. Times.

Hotel information is on the website and on the sign-up sheet. Space is limited so please, don't hesitate in signing up. Hope to see you there.

 I will be working on getting the hotel contracts done for the Fall Chicagoland Show by early Summer or by the time this magazine is published.

As some of you may not know I was in a car accident the day before leaving for the Spring Chicagoland Show {not my fault}. I am doing fine but the car was totaled. I would like to put out a huge THANK YOU to all who helped me lifting and carrying out machines and especially for the pain relievers. You don't know how much I appreciated your help.

What a wonderful group of people we have in our C.O.C.A. club, again THANK YOU!!!

 Have a safe and healthy Summer!

Until we meet again,

                John R. Fifer

                 C.O.C.A. President